By Brendon Abram
Increasingly doctors are recommending that their patients try yoga and mindfulness practices to help them cope with trauma and stress related conditions. Although there are books that discuss using trauma sensitive yoga as an adjunct therapy in a clinical setting, little attention has been given to how trauma sensitive yoga could be offered in a studio setting.
In “Teaching Trauma Sensitive Yoga - A Practical Guide", a retired Canadian Forces veteran turned yoga teacher shares the practical knowledge, experience, and insights he has gained teaching trauma sensitive yoga in a clinical and studio setting over the past five years. This book explains the important differences between teaching trauma sensitive yoga to a clinical population and teaching it to the general population in a studio setting. It recognizes that the vast majority of people living with a trauma or stress related condition may not have access to affordable clinical care and could benefit greatly from practicing an accessible trauma sensitive style of yoga. The book emphasizes the importance of respecting the uniqueness of each and every individual, and tells you how to use the foundational principles of yoga to create an offering that is safe and accessible for those living with trauma.
Especially relevant to the yoga teacher who works in the studio environment, or who is interested in working within a clinical setting, "Teaching Trauma Sensitive Yoga - A Practical Guide", also contains information valuable to mental health workers and anyone who is a caregiver to someone living with trauma.
Available in paperbook or ebook
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"I was lucky to have had the opportunity to read a draft of this book a little over a year ago and
work with the book during a Trauma Sensitive Yoga workshop that I did with the book's author. I would highly
recommend it to all yoga teachers and anyone interested in yoga and how effective it can be in
helping those who have suffered trauma in their lives."
PZ, Trenton